11 May Join the Global Bubble Parade to take action
“The magic of the Global Bubble Parade is that it successfully connects space, time and most importantly – the people that interact with it. It is all about creating an affective relationship between the public and the bubbles. ” Aline Meira, Host in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
If we take a long, hard look at the world we live in today, it can cause even the big dreamers among us to feel a little low. Walls and borders are put up amid a growing refugees crisis to divide us from one another. In these times of instability and crisis, we want nothing more than to help people around us, yet it is not always the easiest of things to do. Think about it – when was the last time you personally sat down to ask yourself what you could do to make the world a better place?
Now, don’t worry – it is not my intention to corner you with this existential question that leaves the best of us stumped. No, the only reason I bring it up is that it became the stepping stone to how I, and many with me, decided to join the Global Bubble Parade movement. The parade’s one purpose is to spread joy and happiness by doing something as simple as blowing bubbles. As simple as it may be, bringing people together to share something genuine, has true power to rebuild the inclusive community we need. A community which is welcoming to all and allows diversity. So although we may not be able to save world right now, we can indeed help make it a better place, starting where we are now.
“For me, the Global Bubble Parade has been an opportunity to meet like minded people who live the life they dream about. It is very inspiring!” Participant in Buenos Aires
Indeed the stories of our participants are inspiring as the story of the Global Bubble Parade on its own. It started out as a small project but because it had such wide appeal, the concept quickly spread over the continents. We now have hosts in 51 countries and 100 cities – and we are growing quickly. Today, over 10 000 engaged participants join together to spread the magic in the Bubble Parade. The parade is organized by the international non -profit foundation, 100happydays, which supports the Global Bubble Parade to increase awareness and mindfulness within communities. The Global Bubble Parade gives members an opportunity to celebrate happiness, inclusivity and peace. To celebrate happiness has never been as important as it is today and we believe spreading this hopeful message can inspire others to make a change. When we are alone our actions won’t do much but together we really can make a difference and help out our community.
So, do you want to join us on this inspiring journey on the 28th of May? Visit our Facebook page to learn more about which parade is organized close to you. If a parade has yet to be organized in your area, we encourage you to become a host! Visit www.bubbleparade.org/host-a-parade to learn more about what steps you need to take. We look forward to welcoming you! Much love and stay connected to hear more about the latest GBP news! 🙂